介護者新聞7号Web版!+ 英語版“Caregivers’ Newsletter No. 7!”
小金井市の介護者にとって有益な情報 “医” がテーマです。
前原町4-21-12 キャロットホームズ1
電話 042-201-1513
武蔵野市境5-27-24 電話 0422-50-2262
武蔵野市桜堤1-8-7 電話 0422-52-3111
「グリーフの日々」 お袋への思い 47歳 男性
◆ 親が「信頼できる有料老人ホームにお世話になれて良かった」と思えた時は
◆ 母の認知症やさみしさに付け込んだ悪徳業者との戦いの方が凄まじいものだったから、その後の母の認知症の介護はむしろ可愛らしく、いとしいものに思えました。(70代女性)
◆ 泣けないんだよ、泣けないわたしは冷たいのかな?(70代女性)
◆ 母の薬で悩んでいた時、鍼灸医の先生が内臓がボロボロの時に、
◆ 育児と同時進行で体育会系の勢いで介護をやりました。グチを言い合える仲間がいて乗り越えたのはラッキーでした。支える場、支えてくれる人がいてくれることの大切さを痛感しています。(60代女性)
Caregivers’ Newsletter No. 7
Visit Nursing
How does the care receiver feel? And what do you want to do?
“Visit nursing stations” are essential anchors in your town. We will introduce you how visit nursing approach caregiving and some crucial situations such as saying goodbye to the beloved ones.
Eiru Visit Nursing Station
Relax your shoulders!
They are in their fourth year since they launched their work in Koganei City. “Eiru” in their name comes from the Japanese pronunciation of a French word “Aile” which means “wing”. It implies their wish to realize what they want and to make the impossible possible.
“What is the direction that we want to aim at? Fulfill what we want to do, even one at a time, and it would change our sense of accomplishment.” This was what they discussed.
Also they created employee-friendly working environment. Since many of their nurses have young children, they had their admin assistant get a babysitting license so that the staff can work without worry during childrearing.
Bridging the feeling of those who are cared and that of the family who are caregiving, the visit nurses at Eiru give consideration about the goodbye and the “angel care” (body treatment after death) and act together with the family.
“The most important is not what you should do when your beloved one passes away. Rather, it is the process of how you accept that moment. Please take a big deep breath, relax your shoulders and try not to push yourself too hard.”
The words of Mr. Yuki Sato, a nurse and the representative of Eiru, are soft and gentle in every respect. The communication among the nurses and other staff at the visit nursing station is filled with the will and motivation to share the problems and to support their users together. You will find the atmosphere very natural and bright.
Eiru (Aile) Visit Nursing Station
1, Carrot Homes, 4-21-12 Maehara-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo
Tel: 042-201-1513
Nurse Station Tampopo [Tampopo means “dandelion”]
Visit nursing is an anchor in the town
We are seeing more and more cases of ending one’s life at home. You don’t always have to follow what the doctor or the nursing care manager says.
This is an age where living alone is quite common.
Is it impossible to end one’s life at home if one is living alone? That is not true.
What you really want to do is important.
Here is a comment from a person named P, who used “Nurse Station Tampopo” in the past. “It was so comforting that the nurse you know well would come to you and that you can call the station 24 hours a day in an emergency. It is totally different whether you have this or not.“
Tampopo opened a place called “Iki na Machikado Hokenshitsu [Town’s Smart Healthcare Room]” where they invite people to chat freely about their caregiving or anything that are on their mind. Ms. Mayumi Tannai, Tampopo’s representative, says, “Please feel free to come and talk.” She and her staff are all easy to talk to and very frank. They accept you and welcome you no matter what kind of feeling you are having. They will listen to you with empathy and talk with you as if in a casual chat.
Nurse Station Tampopo
5-27-24 Sakai, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Tel: 0422-50-2262
Iki na Machikado Hokenshitsu “Mutual”
1-8-7 Sakurazutsumi, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Tel: 0422-52-3111
(If you are a Koganei citizen living in approx. 2 km distance from Tampopo in Sakai, Musashino-shi, you are eligible for service. Please consult Tampopo.)
Good-bye to the loved one: Days in Grief
Ten months have passed since I lost my mother last summer. Days have gone by very quickly. It feels fast and short; it’s just hard to describe.
At the end of 2015, Mother told me, “Something was found out in my health check-up, so can you come with me to the hospital?” and she was diagnosed with lung cancer in February 2016. The cancer had metastasized to her hipbone and was diagnosed as Stage 4. At that time, I just couldn’t accept it, rather I dared not accept.
I had heard in the news that some people survived from terminal cancer. I had to believe that there is some way to cure her illness.
I started to live with my mother in April. Taking care of her was not something that can be expressed in simple words. She suffered from reactive depression from the shock by the cancer. Her words and behaviors were self-centered and her behaviors were resembled those of dementia. It almost made me mad, or it did actually make me mad as I reflect.
A year later in April 2017, the cancer that had spread to her hipbone worsened and caused more pain. Her condition suddenly deteriorated during her “short-stay” at the care facility and she could not get up from her bed since then. She now had to use diapers.
I could not stick with her at home to take care of her because I needed to work to earn a living. But she was not admitted to the hospital that she went daily because there was no open bed. I was mentally agonized in this anxious situation of caring for the bedridden without being able to look into the future.
Luckily a place for her to stay was found after five days. First of all, she had her palliative care in a hospital to control her pain, then she moved to the adjacent, jointly-managed “special elderly nursing home”. This “home” had nurses staying for 24 hours and a doctor would come immediately from the adjacent hospital in case of emergency. The staff took good care of her; however, she sadly passed away three months later.
I felt almost crazy when the doctor and the staff told me, “It’s now time to say good bye to her. Please look for an undertaker.” After the funeral ended, Mother appeared in my dream and I cried. I just felt so lonely.
Giving care was such a difficult issue but now it stays in my heart as a memory of my mother. I stayed alone in the house I lived with her, but shortly after in April, I moved to a new place since I had to renew my contract. It made me very sad to throw away the furniture Mother had been using.
But I must move on. The reason I made up my mind to move home was not to cut off my thoughts for my mother. Rather, it is the opposite. Both my mother, and my father who has already passed away earlier, were very happy when I was doing well with my work. I felt like my mother was telling me to work hard after clearing up all the old things. I must relieve her.
The only “filial duty” that I can perform now is to become happy myself. To be honest, my work is still in a difficult situation. But, Mother, Father, please keep your eyes on me from the Heaven above.
True Feelings of Caregivers
I was happy when my parent was accepted at a reliable, private residential home. However, my feeling changed when I got to know the reality of their high employee turnover and various other troubles. I am baffled. It is not easy to move out from a private home, so you must be careful. (Lady in her sixties)
I experienced such a horrible fight with a dishonest dealer who took advantage of my mother’s dementia symptoms and loneliness. Because it was so terrible, taking care of my mother’s dementia after that was rather sweet and dear. (Lady in her seventies)
I just cannot cry. Does that mean I’m cold-hearted? (Lady in her seventies)
When I was worried if I should change my mother’s medication, my acupuncturist advised me that it is no good changing any medicines if her organs are worn out. She should first stop her medication and restore her organs. I was very much convinced. (Lady in her fifties)
I experienced caregiving at the same time as childrearing. It was like belonging to an athletic club, everything was physically tough. But I was lucky to have friends to whom I could grumble. I was able to move on. I feel the importance of a place that supports you and people who support you. (Ladies in her sixties)
Murmurs of Yuya the Chief Editor
Tears flow from your eyes no matter how many years pass by.
Of course this happens to you because the person was so dear to you.
It’s very natural that you cry.
Please cry as much as you want from the bottom of your heart.
It’s good to be able to cry even after five years or even twenty years.
But if you cannot cry, don’t think of yourself as cold-hearted.
It’s okay not to cry, and it’s also okay to cry.
If that’s the way you feel right now, your honest and true feeling, let it be that way!
Just one thing: When tears flow from your eyes, don’t stop them. Let them flow!
This is how I deal with my tears.